New solutions for cooperation between humans and robots in the food and beverage industry will be the focal point of B&R's exhibit in Hall 7 / Booth 39 at the Anuga FoodTec trade fair being held March 24-27 in Cologne, Germany.
"Our SafeROBOTICS functions eliminate the need for a safety cage and allow robots and human operators to work hand in hand," explains Enrico Paolucci, B&R's global account manager for the food and beverage industry. In addition to the already well-established functions for monitoring the speed of a robot's joints and tool center point (TCP), B&R's range of SafeROBOTICS functions has been expanded to include monitoring of workspace boundaries and the orientation of the tool mounting flange. "This makes it even easier to achieve the higher levels of flexibility and tighter integration of robotics and automation demanded by Indus-try 4.0."
"With the fourth industrial revolution, the complexity of production processes is growing rapidly," says Pao-lucci. In an effort to adapt to these new challenges, food and beverage companies are increasingly turning to automation technology. "That's why we're making our first appearance at Anuga FoodTec this year." B&R offers food and beverage producers integrated automation solutions that can increase their competitive edge as they transition to Industry 4.0.
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