aeSolutions is proud to announce the release of aeShield V4.0 with aeFacilitator, the latest version of their Safety Lifecycle Management platform. aeShield paired with aeFacilitator provides maximum value to customers by enabling different personnel/groups throughout organizations to seamlessly transfer data to support the entire process safety lifecycle from hazard analysis all the way through to Management of Change (MOC) and back through the process again to effectively drive continuous risk reduction in the oil & gas, chemical, petrochemical, and specialty chemical industries.
aeShield with aeFacilitator enterprise software application is making safety simple by centralizing critical process safety information, consolidating the number of tools used throughout the lifecycle, and optimizing data accessibility across an organization.
aeShield V4.0 with aeFacilitator NEW Functionality Includes:
- Editor to override SIF targets when not generating target from traditional LOPA methodology
- Configurable severity types and reporting options by severity
- Additional health meters to further analyze bypass, demand, and spurious trips
- Enhanced SRS datasheets editor including templates for faster development and reusability
- Upgraded SRS datasheet including color coding and mapping to IEC 61511 sub-clauses
- Improved aeFacilitator interface and advanced reporting
"aeShield V4.0 with aeFacilitator is the only comprehensive tool to truly make compliance with the safety lifecycle simple," states Mike Scott, Executive Vice President of Global Process Safety Technology for aeSolutions. "Companies were challenged with conforming to ISA84/IEC 61511 standards due to the immense amount of data to collect and the disparate tools they were using. aeShield with aeFacilitator is a single tool to provide a single source of the truth. Our customers are realizing significant cost savings and more importantly are improving the process safety performance at their facilities. This translates directly to reducing risk, saving lives, and protecting the environment."
>>For more information on this product, click here.